{% load crispy_forms_field %} {% if field.is_hidden %} {{ field }} {% else %} {% if field|is_checkbox %}
{% if label_class %}
{% endif %} {% endif %} <{% if tag %}{{ tag }}{% else %}div{% endif %} id="div_{{ field.auto_id }}" class="{% if not field|is_checkbox %}form-group{% if 'form-horizontal' in form_class %} row{% endif %}{% else %}{%if use_custom_control%}custom-control custom-checkbox{% else %}form-check{% endif %}{% endif %}{% if wrapper_class %} {{ wrapper_class }}{% endif %}{% if field.css_classes %} {{ field.css_classes }}{% endif %}"> {% if field.label and not field|is_checkbox and form_show_labels %} {% endif %} {% if field|is_checkboxselectmultiple %} {% include 'bootstrap4/layout/checkboxselectmultiple.html' %} {% endif %} {% if field|is_radioselect %} {% include 'bootstrap4/layout/radioselect.html' %} {% endif %} {% if not field|is_checkboxselectmultiple and not field|is_radioselect %} {% if field|is_checkbox and form_show_labels %} {%if use_custom_control%} {% crispy_field field 'class' 'custom-control-input' %} {% else %} {% crispy_field field 'class' 'form-check-input' %} {% endif %} {% include 'bootstrap4/layout/help_text_and_errors.html' %} {% elif field|is_file and not field|is_clearable_file and use_custom_control %} {% include 'bootstrap4/layout/field_file.html' %} {% else %}
{% crispy_field field %} {% include 'bootstrap4/layout/help_text_and_errors.html' %}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if field|is_checkbox %} {% if label_class %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endif %}